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Atrioventricular bypass

  • Filing date:
  • Status: disponibile a cessione o licenza
  • Patent type: Brevetti
  • Priority Number: 102019000002697
  • Subject University
  • Technologic Area: ICT & Elettronica
  • Assignees: Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Istituto Cardiologico Monzino, Università di Milano
  • Inventors: Francesco Alamanni, Michela Casella, Veronica Iacovacci, Arianna Menciassi, Leonardo Ricotti, Matteo Saccocci, Elena Tremoli, Marco Zanobini

Cardiac stimulation pace-maker currently on the market require a rechargeable battery to be replaced periodically, are bulky and present a high risk of infections. Furthermore, they are sensitive to electromagnetic fields and their cost is high. The invention is a passive circuit device (without battery), modular (capable of mimicking the normal continuous cardiac cycle), flexible and small in size....other