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System for controlled administration of a substance from a human-body-implanted infusion device

  • Filing date:
  • Status: disponibile a cessione o licenza
  • Patent type: Brevetti
  • Priority Number: WO2012/011132
  • Subject The Biorobotics institute
  • Technologic Area: Biomedical
  • Espacenet link
  • Assignees: Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
  • Inventors: Leonardo Ricotti, Tareq Assaf, Cesare Stefanini, Arianna Menciassi

422 million people worldwide have diabetes, of which between 5% and 10% are DT1 (Melmed S, et al., 2011). Diabetes deaths will double between 2005 and 2040 (WHO). The size of the global market in 2017 is = USD 56 billion with a CAGR of 6.25% in 2018-2023. Eg the blood glucose test costs ~ £ 175 million / year for the UK national health service (NHS). The device is an artificial organ for delivering an adequate amount of insulin in response to selectable parameters recorded by a blood glucose sensor. The device is rechargeable with ingestible capsules containing insulin...other