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  • Area tematica Diritti umani, gestione dei conflitti, cooperazione allo sviluppo
  • Sede Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
  • Scadenza iscrizione 09.09.2021
  • Periodo di svolgimento -
  • URL registrazione APPLY NOW
  • Crediti CFU 2
  • Ore aula 38
  • Numero massimo di partecipanti 25
  • Quota iscrizione Free for graduate students, € 100,00 for PhD students, € 300,00 Euro for professionals

Over the last years, the impact of natural and technological disasters has been constantly on the rise, both within and outside the EU. Looking at this phenomenon through a legal lens, it is widely acknowledged that disasters heavily impact on the rights of the affected communities. At the same time, humanitarian organizations insist that human rights principles should be integrated into disaster management policies in order to strengthen prevention, response, and recovery efforts, while increasing the protection of the affected individuals and communities. However, the real impact of human rights standards on disaster prevention and response has been insufficiently explored so far. Efforts to disseminate human rights standards applicable in disaster settings have been limited, including in Europe. The intensive course on European and International Human Rights Standards in Disaster Settings (EIHRSDS) aims at addressing these gaps.

Training objectives:

•         Provide participants with a sound knowledge of the legal frameworks pertaining to disaster management activities and the role of human rights in the prevention and response to natural and technological disasters;

•         Raise awareness on the crucial role of human rights in disaster settings, and therefore favour a more human-rights sensitive approach to disaster management;

•         Engage participants in exchanges of ideas and experiences so as to foster academic and professional cooperation among all those involved.