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Device for the anchoring of robotic units

  • Filing date:
  • Status: disponibile a cessione o licenza
  • Patent type: Brevetti
  • Priority Number: FI2012A000132
  • Subject The Biorobotics institute
  • Technologic Area: Meccanica
  • Espacenet link
  • Assignees: Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
  • Inventors: Claudio Quaglia, Marco Salerno, Selene Tognarelli, Arianna Menciassi

Anchoring system for robotic units and/or surgical instruments for minimally invasive surgery, with particular attention to NOTES. The anchoring device assures to the instruments and/or modular robotic units the mechanical stability required for surgical tasks execution. The system is equipped with proper actuation mechanisms that allow: i) a change of configuration from an extended cylindrical (compliant enough for deployment) to a compact triangular (rigid enough for supplying stability to surgical instruments) design and ii) a safe retraction from the human body in the case of malfunctioning of the anchoring frame.

The anchoring system provides both mechanical stability and powering to the robotic units deployed into the abdominal cavity, by guaranteeing high safety conditions for the patient. A dedicated magnetic link by using an external magnetic unit gives to the robotic unit additional degrees of freedom allowing to move the system inside of the abdominal cavity and fixing it in the most appropriate position.